Joyous Nude Glitter Photoshoot

nude photoshoot

I was very honoured to be asked by my lovely friends at Viva Voluptuous to be their photographer for a very special nude glitter photoshoot.  (Note they have now moved to America)

Viva Voluptuous offer plus size lingerie and swim wear, Liz the owner, started the company when she couldn't find beautiful affordable lingerie for curvy girls.

The nude glitter shoot was inspired by the #PositivelyGlittered movement in Australia, with the aim of promoting body confidence for every body.

When Liz asked me to be involved I jumped at the chance! It was something very different from my normal boudoir photoshoots that take place in my boudoir studio and I'm always up for a new challenge and a nude glitter photoshoot was definitely something new for me!

The shoot was held in the most beautiful private garden in the New Forest and it was a beautiful warm and slightly overcast day which was perfect for outdoor photography.

We had a group of 10 fabulous plus-sized ladies, we had a mix of experienced models and quite a few ladies who had never modelled before.

The day started out with hair and makeup and of course, the girls being covered in glitter, a combination of hair gel and biodegradable glitter! You can just imagine there was glitter everywhere! I cannot put into words the incredible atmosphere that existed throughout the whole shoot.

empowering nude photoshoot
elegant nude photoshoot

All the ladies involved were so open and enthusiastic, there was no self-consciousness, no one was embarrassed, just a group of ladies of all shapes and sizes having great fun and celebrating themselves and their beautiful bodies.  All the girls were happy to try out a range of poses, group shots and keen to put forward their own ideas making it a really fun collaborative shoot.

empowering nude photo shoot

Even the horses wanted to get in on the action. I loved their reaction, they were so curious and friendly. I bet they wondered what was going on. I bet they have never seen so many Lady Godivas before!

lady godiva photoshoot
joyous nude photoshoots

I know from experience that we women are their own worst critics, constantly judging ourselves against the "perfect woman", whatever that may be. I know that every body is beautiful, sometimes you just need to let go of your own beliefs about your body, to allow yourself to see your body through kinder eyes to change the way you see yourself and to start loving yourself.

cheeky nude photoshoot

Thank you ladies for allowing me to be part of this inspiring nude glitter photoshoot it was an uplifting and joyous experience, so different from my normal boudoir photoshoots.

Book your own nude glitter photoshoot

If you would like to have your own outdoor nude glitter photoshoot and have access to a fabulous garden then call me I'd love to do another glitter shoot. Due to the fabulous weather we have in this country I'd recommend these shoots for the summer months, you definitely don't want to be outside in the cold! I keep thinking an old barn setting could be amazing, just imaging posing on hay bales - it could be epic!

Perhaps you'd prefer to have a more conventional shoot to create some fabulous images of yourself and see yourself through kinder eyes. Check out some of the gorgeous images I have created in my lovely bijou boudoir studio. Call me for a chat at 07917477094 or you can schedule a discovery call with me and I'll call you at your convenience.

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My curves are cute
My rolls are ravishing
My body is beautiful
I bet yours are too!!


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