A magical transformational experience

I'm so lucky to meet so many wonderful ladies and to help them on their boudoir journey of discovery, I truly believe that opening our own eyes to really see ourselves is a magical transformational experience that can have such a positive effect that goes far beyond simply creating beautiful images.

This is Tania's story, I am so grateful that she has allowed me to share it with you all. I think many of us will recognise ourselves in her story. Thank you so much Tania. xx

transformational experience

Tell me a little about yourself: I'm a 45-year-old mum of two teenagers. Married to the same man for nearly 23 years. At the time I booked my shoot I was working part-time in a job I didn't particularly enjoy, but had been there for 10 years and was in a bit of a rut. Have never been a very confident person in either how I look or how worthy I am.

What motivated you to book a boudoir session?: My lovely husband said to me at the beginning of the year that he would like to book a session for my birthday in June. He said that he wanted me to rediscover the "me" that he saw, whereas I just saw the wife and mother. He wanted me to realise that I was worth more than I thought I was. He wanted me to have an amazing transformational experience.

How did you become aware of Lone Barn Boudoir?: Simon had done some research on the internet and showed me the Lone Barn website, I liked the pictures and testimonials so joined both public and private Facebook pages.

What inspired you to get in touch and book a session with me?: After spending some time stalking the Facebook pages, I decided maybe I can do this so I phoned. I must admit I think I put the number in the phone a few times without dialling it but I got there in the end. You were so friendly and open over the phone talking me through my options, but I was still unsure so I arranged to come to the studio to meet in person and see where it all happens. I came to your studio and was so inspired by you, the studio and the images you showed me that I booked a session.

What was your biggest fear before your shoot?: You name it, I worried about it. When you hear "boudoir shoot" you worry it's going to be the glamour/page 3 images, but I'd seen your pictures and knew that wasn't the case. I worried I'd get lost on the way to the studio, I'd look like 'mutton dressed as lamb', my wobbly bits I don't like would look awful, I wouldn't know how to pose, I'd have the wrong sort of lingerie, I'd fall over or break something. Yes, some days it amazes me that I leave the house at all!

How did you feel when you arrived at the studio?: Incredibly nervous. You were so good at making me feel comfortable and in control though.

What was your favourite thing about being pampered?: I loved my makeover, your make-up lady (sorry forgotten her name) was amazing. I wanted a natural look as I don't wear much make-up and she made me look like me, but a more polished, prettier me. I think being pampered also helped me to start to relax and enjoy the day.

How would you describe your boudoir photoshoot to others?: Amazing, empowering, such a confidence boost. I left your studio feeling that I could accomplish anything. I'm now definitely a boudoir advocate! Have recommended it to several friends.

How did you feel when you saw your boudoir images at your viewing?: I was very nervous about coming in to view my images and I brought my husband along with me for moral support. But wow, I'm so proud of those images. I thought that I would only want the anonymous poses, but I loved them all. It made it a really hard decision to pick and I bought more than I anticipated. I also agreed that my images could be used for publicity, something I'd never thought I'd do.

Do you feel any different about yourself since having your boudoir shoot?: It has given me so much more confidence, and not just in how I look either. I'm still a wife and mother, and happy to be that, but I also know that I can achieve more. I've applied for and got a new job that I love. I've started a distance learning course in science. I've made new friends as I'm more confident in talking to people. And all of this began with braving the boudoir.

What would you say to other women considering a boudoir shoot?: I'd say do it! I'd say being nervous is natural, but you can overcome that. I'd say it changed me, but into somebody, I'm proud to be.

UPDATE - Tania has been in for her second boudoir photoshoot, I think these confidence-boosting and transformational experiences are addictive!

Would you like to have a transformational experience like Tania?

I you can relate to Tania's story and think you would like to experience a boudoir photoshoot, which I know is truly a life-changing transformational experience then fill in the contact form and I'll call you for a chat so I can answer all your questions.

In the meantime why not check out some more beautiful transformations.

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