Anabel's Boudoir Shoot

I love it when my previous clients recommend their friends to me, and this is exactly what happened with Anabel, her very good friend Lauren recommended me to her. Anabel joined my VIP Facebook group and decided to book a shoot with me.

She was so much fun to work with and has been so kind to share some of her images and thoughts about her shoot.

confident boudoir

Why did you book a boudoir shoot?

I booked my boudoir shoot to give me confidence in my body again. After having my beautiful daughter, I couldn't stand to look at my body in the mirror as it had changed so much. I wanted to learn to love myself again and have the confidence to hold my head high and say "I am beautiful". I also wanted to ensure I made the changes now, so as my daughter grows she can see my confidence and have some of her own. I never want her to look at herself and feel how I did.

Why did you book a boudoir session with me?

After watching the group and business page for a while and seeing the beautiful photos produced from others people's shoots and how their confidence had grown, I knew I had to do it. The reviews were amazing and the way you interact with people I knew I'd be comfortable.

How was preparing for your boudoir shoot?

Preparing for the photoshoot was fun. Being able to shop for new lingerie is always a treat and it gave me an excuse to take some time out for me and find something I loved to make me feel beautiful. I did get very nervous the closer the shoot got, but I pushed myself to continue through the process as I knew it would be worth it.

boudoir mermaid pose

What was your biggest fear before your boudoir shoot?

My biggest fear before the shoot was standing there in my lingerie in front of others. I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it, as I didn't even like looking at myself, let alone others seeing me. I was also worried my photos wouldn't look as good as other people's and I'd be disappointed. Well, how wrong was I!!

Tell me about your hair and makeup

The hair and makeup part of the shoot was so fun. It was such a relaxed environment and I felt truly pampered. Miriam listened to how I'd like my hair and the look I wanted to go for with my make-up and delivered the perfect outcome. I was so pleased with how I looked, it gave me that extra boost of confidence.

How did it feel to step in to the boudoir studio?

When stepping into the studio I had a mixture of emotions from so nervous I thought I might be sick, to excited and just wanting to throw myself into it. The adrenaline running through my body was insane and it was such an amazing feeling. Really liberating.

How was your shoot? Did you find my posing guidance easy?

My shoot was one of the best experiences of my life. The posing guidance offered by Julie was brilliant. I understood exactly what she wanted me to. Julie showed me all the poses in advance by demonstrating them herself, making it even easier to know what to do. Throughout the whole shoot, Julie was so friendly and calming that I was immediately relaxed and just enjoyed every moment. It really was an experience of a lifetime and I couldn't be more thankful that I did it.

How did it feel to see your boudoir photos?

When I originally arrived to see my photos, I was so nervous as that fear crept back in that I wouldn't look how I wanted to. Well, I was so wrong. I was so pleased with my photos, I honestly can't stop looking at them! I can look as gorgeous as all the other girls and I did!! The feeling you get when you see yourself is unexplainable but it really is the best feeling in the world.

flattering curvy boudoir pose

How easy was it to choose your images?

Just like when you are choosing anything and trying to limit the numbers the decision was hard. However, there were immediately some photos that I had fallen in love with and knew I just had to have. These became non-negotiable and were definitely ones I was going to walk away with.

Any words of wisdom to any other ladies thinking of a boudoir shoot?

My words of wisdom to anyone thinking of doing a boudoir shoot is DO IT!! I had the biggest fears about doing it, absolutely no self-confidence and honestly didn't think I would make it through. But I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I did it, and I am so so glad I did. It was such a liberating and enjoyable experience and it really has helped me. It is honestly something you will never regret and will only thank yourself for. Go on, take a chance on you!

irregular choice card shoes

Do you feel different after your boudoir shoot?

I definitely feel different after my shoot. I can now look at myself in the mirror and I don't hate myself. OK there are still some things that bug me like the stretch marks, but I can look past that now. It's no longer all I see. I feel more confident in myself and it has also helped my relationship. I'm no longer hiding away but walking loud and proud and why shouldn't we!

Will you have another boudoir shoot?

In a heartbeat. Without a doubt, I'll be back and I cannot wait to do it all over again! I think I may have an addiction! 🙂

If you would like to find out more about a boudoir photoshoot experience , call me or schedule a chat and I'll call you.

Hair and Makeup by Miriam King.

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My rolls are ravishing
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