A real confidence boost

elegant black and white boudoir

I am so happy that Erin allowed me to share her feelings about her boudoir photoshoot experience with me, I really do appreciate it and I know that sharing your experience helps to give other women the confidence boost to brave the boudoir too.

Why did you book a boudoir shoot?

I wanted to do something for myself. I don’t have many photos of myself and I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m really happy with myself and wanted to record that. I love the idea of looking back on the photos when I’m older and remembering how I feel now!

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Why did you book a session with me?

I spoke to Julie and immediately felt comfortable, she answered all my questions and I could feel how enthusiastic she was about the boudoir shoot. I had looked at her photos and thought they looked fab and knew she would get some cracking shots of me (and I wasn’t disappointed)! I had spoken to another company before Julie but they lacked the personal touch I felt was necessary for something like this where you’re so vulnerable. And I felt much more comfortable knowing that I could speak to the photographer herself beforehand.

How was preparing for your shoot?

I really enjoyed this! I bought lots of new lingerie which I haven’t done for years. Got my nails done and just felt really ready for it.

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What was your biggest fear before your shoot?

I didn’t really have any fears. I felt quite confident that I’d get what I wanted out of the shoot.

Tell me about your hair and makeup

I don’t normally wear makeup so I had to trust Miriam and Julie! Again I wasn’t disappointed. The makeup looked pretty natural in the shoot which is what I wanted. Also, I have curly hair which worried me slightly as not everyone knows how to deal with this, but Miriam knew exactly what to do and I think it looked gorgeous in the shoot. Thanks Miriam!

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How did it feel to step into the studio?

I was nervous at first obviously! But didn’t feel nervous for long. Miriam and Julie chatted away, they’re clearly good friends! That really made me feel at ease and I felt comfortable really quickly. It was a really nice way to prepare for the shoot, especially if you’re feeling nervous beforehand.

How was your shoot? Did you find my posing guidance easy?

I loved the shoot so much! Julie showed me the photos as we went on and I just knew the results were going to be great. Julie is obviously a pro and could see how much she was enjoying herself. She was super encouraging and checked in with me to see if I was doing ok before we tried things. The posing guidance was easy to follow and I managed to get myself into some pretty weird positions which made for some great shots! Definitely a workout!

How did it feel to see your photos?

I was really looking forward to this bit. I took my partner with me and it was a lot of fun. I felt great looking at all those photos and seeing some of the beautiful shots Julie took. I saw myself in a way I hadn’t seen before.

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How easy was it to choose your images?

It was quite tricky! There were lots to choose from but I was glad I had my partner there to talk to.

Any words of wisdom to any other ladies thinking of a boudoir shoot?

Do it! You will feel great and having your album or photos to look at at the end is fantastic. You can go back to feeling sexy and beautiful in an instant if you’re not feeling that by going to look back at the photos. The quality of the album is fantastic too.

Do you feel different after your shoot?

I do yes. I saw myself in a way I’d never seen before. It gives you a real confidence boost and I love going back to the photos whenever I want. Some of my favourite shots are ones I didn’t expect, I really love one of the nude shots and I can see myself getting a larger version of that one printed as a wall hanging at some point in the future.

confidence boost for women

Will you have another boudoir shoot?

I would love to! I really enjoyed the shoot itself as well as seeing the photos. But I definitely got what I wanted out of the shoot I did. Such a great experience!

If you would like to find out more about a boudoir photoshoot with me can give you a confidence boost, fill out my contact form and I'll call you at your convenience.

If it is too early to have a chat then join my ladies only private Facebook group, it's full of ladies who have already had a shoot or like you are looking to learn more about boudoir photography in a fun safe environment.

Hair and makeup by Miriam

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